Caffe' Shakerato
Caffe’ shakerato is pronounced as you might expect, sort of “shake-er-AH-toe”.
I know it sounds funny but that’s the way it is.
In its most simple form, a caffe shakerato is a shot of espresso poured over ice cubes and simple syrup, shaken vigorously in a cocktail shaker (for about 30 seconds) until a froth forms when poured.
I know it may sounds like nothing special, but when those three elements are rattled around in a cocktail shaker for a fraction of a minute, magic happens.

The dense espresso shot becomes a deliciously smooth and refreshing deep brown drink topped with a layer of foam.
It has nothing to do with your regular iced coffee — not that I have something against it — it’s just 100x better. Believe me.
It’s a drink that deserves to be sipped slowly and savored, especially in the hot weather.
I’m obsessed with caffe’ shakerato. It’s literally the only way I want to drink coffee lately.
It’s so good, I believe it deserves to be the official sip of the summer.
Caffe’ shakerato is not easy to find in the US — though it’s a cult drink in New York — but it’s so easy to make at home.
All you need is an (1) Espresso machine, or one of those fancy Nespresso Espresso makers, or those awesome Moka Stove Top Espresso makers; (2) a cocktail mixer; (3) ice; and (4) some simple syrup.
In a couple of minutes you can enjoy a superior cold-coffee beverage experience. Believe.
A couple of notes. First off, don't try to make more than two or three caffe’ shakerato at a time. One at a time is the way to go. If you don't have a Martini shaker you can shake it up using a mason jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Lastly, adjust sweetness to taste. It's a matter of how sweet you want your drink to be.
Serves 1
Simple syrup
1 cup water
1 cup sugar (I used raw coconut palm sugar because of the paleo thing, but feel free to use any sugar you want)
Caffe’ Shakerato
1 shot of espresso
4 teaspoons simple syrup (adjust to taste)
6 to 8 ice cubes
To make the syrup combine sugar and water in a jar, cover, and shake until sugar is dissolved.
Cover and keep chilled.
To make the caffe’ shakerato combine coffee, syrup, and ice in a cocktail shaker.
Fill shaker with ice and shake vigorously (put some muscle into it!) until outside of shaker is frosty and drink is light and frothy, about 30 seconds.
Strain into a small glass. Serve immediately.
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