Cranberry Green Tea Smoothie
Can anyone please help me identify what is that yellowish blob in that Tupperware container sitting in the back of my freezer?
Is it soup? Sorbet? Mashed potatoes maybe?
Who knows, who knows…
And what about those depressing looking freezer-burned veggie burgers. How long have they been lurking there? Months, years, decades?
Maybe I shouldn’t have started cleaning out my freezer, it was not a great idea after all.
These encounters are starting to get scary.
In my mind the freezer is some sort of magical place, able to preserve any food for pretty much forever.
Today I’ve learned - after all the depressing encounters - that it’s not.
You can’t simply throw food in there waiting for the right time to eat it.
There must be structure, a system in the freezer. You need to know what best fits where.
Food must be organized so that it’s easy to retrieve it later.
Like grouping meats together in one area and frozen vegetables and fruit together in another area.
On top of that, everything must be labeled with names and dates. Even if you know what something is today, and you’re convinced you’ll know what it still is later. Chances are, you won’t remember it. Because we all sleep, and we tend to forget things when we sleep.
And before thawing something you need to know what it is and for how long it has been sitting in your freezer.
So my project for this weekend is to clean and restock my freezer [Yes, I have a very exciting life!]
I already started taking some stuff out this morning and wiping down the shelving inside the main area and the doors.
As I was cleaning out I found an unusually large amount of frozen cranberries lurking in the back of the freezer.
Apparently, like a reticent squirrel, I’ve been hoarding cranberries. I don’t know why though.
Seriously, I rarely buy frozen cranberries. Maybe one bag at Thanksgiving - to make cranberry sauce - but other than that, I’m clueless where they come from. Maybe there’s a secret portal in the freezer, leading to frozen cranberry-land???
Anyways, to put this overabundance of frozen cranberries to good use, I made myself a dope Cranberry Green Tea Smoothie (aka the antioxidant bomb smoothie.)
And it was delicious, in all respects.
To offset the cranberries’ tartness and green tea’s slight bitterness I blended them with some strawberries, a banana, and I also added a tablespoon of maple syrup.
All in all, a tasty and healthy smoothie with a very pretty red-flecked pink color.
Slight tart, super creamy, not too filling, and packed with nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants to keep your immune system strong.
Cranberry Green Tea Smoothie Print this recipe!
Serves 2
½ cup / 125 ml cold brewed green tea
½ cup frozen cranberries
1 cup strawberries (either fresh or frozen)
1 banana
1 tablespoon maple syrup (or mild tasting honey)
Place all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth.
Nutrition facts
One serving yields 118 calories, 0 grams of fat, 29 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of protein.
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