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Minnie Mouse Cupcakes

These Minnie Mouse cupcakes are adorable and so easy to make. Perfect for a little girl's birthday party!

These Minnie Mouse cupcakes are adorable and so easy to make Minnie Mouse Cupcakes

A few weeks ago, my daughter Lizzy turned five, and we finally got around to having her birthday party this last weekend! She wanted a big party with all her friends from preschool, and I think we did a pretty good job of it. She has been obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse lately, and especially loves Minnie Mouse, so it was a no brainer to pull together a quick and easy Minnie Mouse party for her. I'll share more details on her party soon, but I wanted to share these adorable Minnie Mouse cupcakes we made today. They were a huge hit with all the kiddos, and I love that they're so easy but still look fantastic. I used my favorite vanilla cupcake recipe for the base (although you could easily use a boxed mix or even buy undecorated cupcakes from your local bakery), and the frosting whipped up easily. When Lizzy came in the kitchen and saw the finished cupcakes, her jaw dropped and she squealed in excitement. I think that's a job well done!

These Minnie Mouse cupcakes are adorable and so easy to make Minnie Mouse Cupcakes

Minnie Mouse Cupcakes

24 white cupcakes, baked and cooled (I made mine from scratch with this recipe, but a boxed mix would work great too)
1 cup (8 ounces) butter, softened
5 cups powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
1-2 tablespoons half and half or heavy cream
2 drops pink food coloring (or 1 drop red food coloring)
48 mini Oreos

In a large bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the butter until light and fluffy. Add the powdered sugar, vanilla, salt, and one tablespoon half and half. Beat until light and fluffy. Add additional half and half as needed to make a fluffy frosting. Add the food coloring and mix to combine. Pipe the frosting onto the cooled cupcakes (I used a Wilton 2D tip), then add your mini Oreos to make the mouse ears.

These Minnie Mouse cupcakes are adorable and so easy to make Minnie Mouse Cupcakes

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