My FAVORITE Homemade Marshmallows
With their ultra-fluffiness and intensely-delicious vanilla flavor, Homemade Marshmallows are one confection I highly recommend for your cooking bucket list. They are completely-and-totally worth the homemade time and effort!
Have you ever made homemade bagels? I have. Once. And only once.
Then homemade bagels very quickly went on my "things it's not worth the effort to make from scratch" list. I don't know about you, but I personally don't care to spend hours and hours making boiled lumps of rock-hard dough balls.
See, some things are just not worth the time and effort to make yourself when there are perfectly good versions available at the store.
Bagels? ... Definitely fall into that category.
But marshmallows?
Homemade Marshmallows are one confection I highly recommend for your cooking bucket list. They are completely-and-totally worth the homemade time and effort!
Now, that's a completely different story!
Despite there being perfectly-puffy-and-wonderful bags of marshmallow yumminess available for us to easily buy at the store, homemade marshmallows are 142% completely-and-totally worth the homemade time and effort.
With their ultra-fluffiness and intensely-delicious vanilla flavor, Homemade Marshmallows are one confection I highly recommend for your cooking bucket list.
I was first introduced to them about 15 years ago when a friend made me a big tin-full at Christmas time. I had never heard of making homemade marshmallows at that point in my life, and must say ... didn't even know it was possible.
One bite, and I was hooked. I mean, utterly and completely in love.
And utterly and completely failed.
Nothing compares to the taste and texture of homemade marshmallows. It's truly a marshmallow lover's dream.
Where had I gone wrong?? My batch bore zero resemblance to the beautiful homemade marshmallows my friend had so lovingly created.
While to this day I'm not 100% sure where I went wrong, I chock my complete-marshmallow-failure up to being too "timid" in my marshmallow making ... not cooking the sugar syrup to quite a high enough temperature because I was afraid of burning it ... and not whipping the sugar syrup-gelatin mixture long enough because I was afraid of the ever-growing mass of white ... both mistakes which can lead to the marshmallows not setting up as they should.
Oh, and I also somewhat fault my use of a hand mixer.
While I do believe you can be successful making homemade marshmallows with a hand mixer, I have since learned that a stand mixer makes it much easier {& less time consuming} to whip the marshmallow to the proper texture. {Which, as I learned the hard way, is very important.}
Once the marshmallow mixture is {properly} whipped, it's allowed to set up and dry overnight.
And then, along with the help of lots of confectioners' sugar, can be cut into those fabulously-soft-and-tender, melt-in-your-mouth delicious homemade marshmallows I love and covet so much.
Now, for an extra-extra-special treat, you can cut Homemade Marshmallows into shapes ... like hearts ... with a small cookie cutter {I recommend small metal cookie cutters} ...
But whether in extra-special shapes or "regular" cubes, I think you'll love the ultra-fluffiness and intensely-delicious vanilla flavor of Homemade Marshmallows as much as I do.
So if you haven't tackled this homemade confection before, be sure to put them on your cooking bucket list. If you're a marshmallow lover, you'll be so glad you did!
Thank you for stopping by . We'd love to have you back soon!
Yield: about 100 marshmallows
Homemade Marshmallows
With their ultra-fluffiness and intensely-delicious vanilla flavor, Homemade Marshmallows are one confection I highly recommend for your cooking bucket list. They are completely-and-totally worth the homemade time and effort!
prep time: 40 Mcook time: 10 Mtotal time: 50 M
- 3 envelopes unflavored gelatin
- 1 c. cold water, divided
- 1 1/2 c. granulated sugar
- 1 c. light corn syrup
- 1/4 tsp. kosher salt
- 2 T. vanilla extract
- confectioners' sugar, for dusting
How to cook Homemade Marshmallows
- In the bowl of a stand mixer, combine gelatin and 1/2 cup cold water. Allow to sit while you prepare the sugar syrup.
- In a medium saucepan, combine granulated sugar, corn syrup, salt, and remaining 1/2 cup cold water. Cook over medium heat until sugar dissolves, stirring frequently. Raise heat to high and cook until the sugar syrup reaches 240 degrees on a candy thermometer.
- Remove sugar syrup from the heat. With the mixer on low speed and fitted with the whisk attachment, slowly pour sugar syrup into the gelatin. Turn mixer up to high speed and whip until very thick, about 15 minutes. Add vanilla and mix thoroughly.
- Line the bottom and sides of a 9x13" glass baking dish with plastic wrap. Spray plastic wrap with non-stick cooking spray and dust generously with confectioners' sugar. Pour marshmallow mixture into prepared pan, smooth the top, and dust top with more confectioners' sugar.
- Allow marshmallows to stand uncovered overnight to dry.
- Turn marshmallows out onto a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut marshmallow into 1-inch wide strips. Cut strips into 1-inch squares. Roll cut sides in confectioners' sugar.
- Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 or 4 days. If marshmallows become sticky, remove the container lid for a bit to allow marshmallows to dry.
You might also enjoy these other sweet treat recipes:
Rum Balls {with Spiced Rum}
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