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Simple Holiday Punch (Non-Alcoholic)

This simple and delicious holiday punch is so refreshing, and so easy to make!

This simple and delicious holiday punch is so refreshing Simple Holiday Punch (Non-Alcoholic)

Do you like having friends over for dinner? It's one of my favorite things to do! The house gets clean, I get to show off a little with some of my favorite recipes, and it's always fun to get to know our friends a little better. I have a list of tried and true recipes that I love to make for company (my current favorites are these carnitas tacos and this homemade pizza), and usually our friends volunteer to bring over a side dish or dessert to share. There's something really wonderful about sharing a meal with friends!

One thing I always seem to forget when I'm planning our dinner menu is a fun drink to share! I'm a bit of a Diet Dr. Pepper addict myself, but I think it's fun to have some other options available for people who don't love DDP as much as I do. :) We usually have sparkling water on hand, with some different flavored syrups to add in, and we also love plain ice water with fresh lemon wedges. For special occasions and holidays, this simple holiday punch is our favorite! It has such a flavorful combination of orange, cranberry, and pineapple, and it's a favorite with both kids and adults!

This simple and delicious holiday punch is so refreshing Simple Holiday Punch (Non-Alcoholic)

I'm obviously not reinventing the wheel with this punch recipe, but it's a classic for a reason. The combination of fruit juices is totally delicious! I love that it's so festive and fresh tasting, with the perfect balance of tart and sweet. I like to add ginger ale for a little extra flavor, but you can use lemon lime soda if you prefer. It's delicious either way! If you're preparing this punch in advance, I would suggest mixing the fruit juices and refrigerating, but waiting to add the ginger ale until just before serving. The fizziness is definitely the best part! You can easily scale this recipe up or down depending on the size of the crowd you're serving. This punch is the perfect holiday drink!

This simple and delicious holiday punch is so refreshing Simple Holiday Punch (Non-Alcoholic)

Simple Holiday Punch

2 cups fresh orange juice
2 cups cranberry juice
2 cups pineapple juice
1 liter ginger ale or lemon lime soda, chilled
1 cup fresh cranberries
fresh orange slices

Add the orange juice, cranberry juice, and pineapple juice to a pitcher and stir to combine. Refrigerate until well chilled. Just before serving, pour the juice into a punch bowl or large pitcher. Add the ginger ale, fresh cranberries, and orange slices. Serve over ice.

This simple and delicious holiday punch is so refreshing Simple Holiday Punch (Non-Alcoholic)

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