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Strawberry Honey Butter

This sweet and tangy homemade strawberry honey butter is the perfect topping for bagels, toast, pancakes, you name it! Only four ingredients and so easy to make!

This sweet and tangy homemade strawberry honey butter is the perfect topping for bagels Strawberry Honey Butter

Okay, so I've been posting a lot of strawberry recipes lately. (See here, here, here, and here.) I can't help it, though... I'm obsessed! All winter long I yearn for the days when I can buy giant boxes of strawberries at Costco without going bankrupt, and that time is here! I'm just going to basking in the sweet strawberry goodness all summer long, and I hope you'll join me. :) This strawberry honey butter is the perfect solution for those times when you buy way too many strawberries (like I did a few weeks ago, when I bought 8 pounds of strawberries in the same week...) and need to use them up fast! It's even great for when those strawberries are teetering on the edge, threatening to go bad. 

I'm warning you, though, once you make this strawberry honey butter, you will want to put it on EVERYTHING. Fresh baked breads and rolls, morning toast and bagels, biscuits, pancakes and waffles, you name it! I'm guessing it would even taste great on cardboard. :) It has an amazing fresh strawberry flavor, and you won't be able to get enough!

This sweet and tangy homemade strawberry honey butter is the perfect topping for bagels Strawberry Honey Butter
Strawberry Honey Butter

1 pound strawberries, stems removed
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
1 cup butter, at room temperature

Puree the strawberries in a food processor and push through a mesh strainer into a saucepan. Add the honey and lemon juice and bring to a boil. Boil about three minutes, stirring constantly, until slightly thickened. Cool to room temperature. After it has cooled, in a bowl or a stand mixer cream together the butter and strawberry mixture (I used my Kitchenaid with the whisk attachment). Let stand one hour (if you can wait that long) to allow the flavors to blend. Refrigerate any leftover butter and use within 1-2 weeks. Bring to room temperature again before using.
This sweet and tangy homemade strawberry honey butter is the perfect topping for bagels Strawberry Honey Butter

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