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Watermelon Lemonade

This watermelon lemonade is incredibly refreshing and only four ingredients. The perfect way to keep cool all summer long!

This watermelon lemonade is incredibly refreshing and only four ingredients Watermelon Lemonade

It has been SO HOT around here this week. We were lucky enough to have a pretty mild spring, and it's been in the 70's and 80's up until this week, when it has suddenly been in the 90's every day. We've hit up the splash pad and gone through the drive through at Sonic for some cold drinks a few times, but it's getting hard to keep cool! I think part of the problem is that our bodies haven't acclimated to the warmer weather yet (so hopefully it will get better as the summer goes on), but the kiddos and I seem to be dying of thirst all day long. This watermelon lemonade is the epitome of refreshing! It's made with fresh lemon juice and fresh watermelon, and sure to quench your thirst all summer long. I was a little skeptical about the combination of lemon and watermelon, but the flavors blend really well and make for the perfect sweet and tangy lemonade. I love that this recipe is only four ingredients, and super quick to make. We will definitely be making it all summer long!

This watermelon lemonade is incredibly refreshing and only four ingredients Watermelon Lemonade

Watermelon Lemonade

8 cups watermelon, cut into cubes
1 cup fresh lemon juice (I used eight small-ish lemons)
1 cup sugar
3 cups cold water
2 cups ice

Add the watermelon cubes to a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the watermelon through a fine mesh strainer into a large pitcher, using a rubber spatula to press out the juice. Add the lemon juice, sugar, and water, and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the ice and chill until serving.

It definitely passed the kiddo approval test! :)

This watermelon lemonade is incredibly refreshing and only four ingredients Watermelon Lemonade

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